Irene Strychalski
Oct 41 min read
FIENDISH #3 sneak peek: Thalfrenn!
Hello everyone! Here is another sneak peek at my work on FIENDISH #3, released early only for website pass holders and YouTube members!...
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Irene Strychalski
Sep 61 min read
FIENDISH #3 pencils sneak peek!
Hello, my dear website members! First of all, my apologies for the gap in posts. I had been busy working on the Spanish, Chinese, and...
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Irene Strychalski
Jun 181 min read
First FIENDISH TPB cover roughs!
Hello everyone, I thought I would give my lovely site members a sneak peek at the roughs for the first FIENDISH trade paperback cover!...
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Irene Strychalski
Jun 111 min read
FIENDISH is going to Heroes Con!
I am happy to announce that myself and Chapter 2.5 interior artist Michael Rushbrook will both be at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC on...
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Irene Strychalski
May 141 min read
FIENDISH Worldbuilding videos!
I've been making a bunch of these worldbuilding and character profile videos for FIENDISH, and I hope you can all take a look and enjoy!...
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Irene Strychalski
May 51 min read
Ragna 3D model sneak peek!
I am excited to show you all the preliminary work for a Ragna figurine that I am hoping to have with a future campaign!
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